The DMZ screen allows one local user to be
exposed to the Internet for use of a special-purpose service such as
Internet gaming and videoconferencing. DMZ hosting forwards all the
ports at the same time to one PC. The Port Range Forwarding is more
secure because it only opens the ports you want to have opened,
while DMZ hosting opens all the ports of one computer, exposing the
computer to the Internet.
Any PC whose port is being forwarded must have its
DHCP client function disabled and should have a new static IP
address assigned to it because its IP address may change when using
the DHCP function.
To use this feature, select Enabled. To
disable DMZ hosting, select Disabled.
Source IP Address. If you want any IP address to
be the source, select Any IP Address. If you want to specify
an IP address or range of IP addresses as the designated source,
click the second radio button, and enter the IP address(es) in the
fields provided.
Destination. If you want to specify the DMZ host
by IP address, select IP Address and complete the IP address
in the field provided. If you want to specify the DMZ host by MAC
address, select MAC Address and enter the MAC address in the
field provided. To retrieve this information, click the DHCP
Client Table button.
The DHCP Client Table lists computers and other
devices that have been assigned IP addresses by the Router. The list
can be sorted by Client Name, Interface, IP Address, MAC Address,
and Expired Time (how much time is left for the current IP address).
To select a DHCP client, click the Select button. To retrieve
the most up-to-date information, click the Refresh button. To
exit this screen and return to the DMZ screen, click the
Close button.
When you have finished making changes to this
screen, click the Save Settings button to save the changes,
or click the Cancel Changes button to undo your changes.