Basic Setup Help

The Basic Setup screen is the first screen you will see when accessing the Router. Most users will be able to configure the Router and get it working properly using only the settings on this screen. Some Internet Service Providers (ISPs) will require that you enter specific information, such as User Name, Password, Internet IP Address, Default Gateway Address, or DNS Address. This information can be obtained from your ISP, if required.

Note: After you have configured these settings, you should set a new password for the Router using the Management screen of the Administration tab. This will increase security, protecting the Router from unauthorized changes. All users who try to access the Router’s web-based utility or Setup Wizard will be prompted for the Router’s password.

Internet Setup

Internet Connection Type

Choose the type of Internet connection your ISP provides from the drop-down menu.

Automatic Configuration – DHCP
By default,the Router’s Internet Connection Type is set to Automatic Configuration – DHCP, which should be kept only if your ISP supports DHCP or you are connecting through a dynamic IP address.

Static IP
If you are required to use a permanent IP address to connect to the Internet, select Static IP.

  • Internet IP Address and Subnet Mask
    This is the Router’s IP Address and Subnet Mask as seen by external users on the Internet (including your ISP). Select Obtain an IP Address Automatically, if your Internet connection obtains IP address automatically. Otherwise, select Specify an IP Address, if PPTP requires a static IP Address. Your ISP will provide the correct settings needed.
  • Default Gateway
    Your ISP will provide you with the Gateway IP Address.
  • DNS (1-3)(Domain Name Server)
    Your ISP will provide you with at least one DNS IP Address.

PPPoE(For ADSL user)
Some DSL-based ISPs use PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) to establish Internet Connections. If you are connected to the Internet through a DSL line, check with your ISP to see if they use PPPoE.

  • User Name and Password
    Enter the User Name and Password you use when logging onto your ISP through a PPPoE connection
  • Service Name
    If provided by your ISP, enter the Service Name.
  • Connect on Demand
    You can configure the Router to disconnect your Internet connection after a specified period of inactivity (Max Idle Time). If your Internet connection has been terminated due to inactivity, Connect on Demand enables the Router to automatically re-establish your connection as soon as you attempt to access the Internet again. If you wish to activate Connect on Demand, click the radio button. If you want your Internet connection to remain active at all times. Otherwise, enter the number of minutes you want to have elapsed before your Internet connection terminates.
  • Keep Alive
    This option keeps you connected to the Internet indefinitely, even when your connection sits idle. To use this option, click the radio button next to Keep Alive. The default Redial Period is 30 seconds (in other words, the Router will check the Internet connection every 30 seconds).

PPTP(For Europe only)
Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), is a service that applies to connections in Europe only.

  • Internet IP Address and Subnet Mask
    This is the Router’s IP Address and Subnet Mask as seen by external users on the Internet (including your ISP). If your Internet connection requires a static IP address, then your ISP will provide you with a Static IP Address and Subnet Mask.
  • Default Gateway
    Your ISP will provide you with the Gateway IP Address.
  • User Name and Password
    Enter the User Name and Password you use when logging onto your ISP through a PPTP connection.
  • Connect on Demand
    You can configure the Router to disconnect your Internet connection after a specified period of inactivity (Max Idle Time). If your Internet connection has been terminated due to inactivity, Connect on Demand enables the Router to automatically re-establish your connection as soon as you attempt to access the Internet again. If you wish to activate Connect on Demand, click the radio button. If you want your Internet connection to remain active at all times. Otherwise, enter the number of minutes you want to have elapsed before your Internet connection terminates.

L2TP(For Europe only)
Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP), is a service that applies to connections in Europe only.

  • Server IP Address
    This is the Router’s IP Address as seen by external users on the Internet (including your ISP). If your Internet connection requires a static IP address, then your ISP will provide you with a Static IP Address.
  • User Name and Password
    Enter the User Name and Password you use when logging onto your ISP through a L2TP connection.
  • Connect on Demand
    You can configure the Router to disconnect your Internet connection after a specified period of inactivity (Max Idle Time). If your Internet connection has been terminated due to inactivity, Connect on Demand enables the Router to automatically re-establish your connection as soon as you attempt to access the Internet again. If you wish to activate Connect on Demand, click the radio button. If you want your Internet connection to remain active at all times. Otherwise, enter the number of minutes you want to have elapsed before your Internet connection terminates.
  • Keep Alive
    This option keeps you connected to the Internet indefinitely, even when your connection sits idle. To use this option, click the radio button next to Keep Alive. The default Redial Period is 30 seconds (in other words, the Router will check the Internet connection every 30 seconds).

Telstra Cable(For Australia only)
It is a service used in Australia only. If you are using Telstra Cable connection, check with your ISP for the necessary setup information.

  • User Name and Password
    Enter the User Name and Password you use when logging onto your ISP through a Heart Beat Signal connection.
  • Heart Beat Server
    Your ISP will provide you with the Heart Beat Server's IP Address.
  • Connect on Demand
    You can configure the Router to disconnect your Internet connection after a specified period of inactivity (Max Idle Time). If your Internet connection has been terminated due to inactivity, Connect on Demand enables the Router to automatically re-establish your connection as soon as you attempt to access the Internet again. If you wish to activate Connect on Demand, click the radio button. If you want your Internet connection to remain active at all times. Otherwise, enter the number of minutes you want to have elapsed before your Internet connection terminates.
  • Keep Alive
    This option keeps you connected to the Internet indefinitely, even when your connection sits idle. To use this option, click the radio button next to Keep Alive. The default Redial Period is 30 seconds (in other words, the Router will check the Internet connection every 30 seconds).

Note: Some cable providers require a specific MAC address for connection to the Internet. To learn more about this, click the MAC Address Clone of Setup tab.

Optional Settings

Some of these settings may be required by your ISP. Verify with your ISP before making any changes.

Host Name and Domain Name
These fields allow you to supply a host and domain name for the Router. Some ISPs, usually cable ISPs, require these names as identification. You may have to check with your ISP to see if your broadband Internet service has been configured with a host and domain name. In most cases, leaving these fields blank will work.

MTU is the Maximum Transmission Unit. It specifics the largest packet size permitted for Internet transmission. Select Manual if you want to manually enter the largest packet size that will be transmitted. The recommended size, entered in the Size field, is 1500. You should leave this value in the 576 to 1500 range. To have the Router select the best MTU for your Internet connection, keep the default setting, Auto.

Network Setup

Router IP

IP Address and Subnet Mask
This shows both the Router’s IP Address and Subnet Mask, as seen by your network. The default IP Address is, and the default Subnet Mask is In most cases, keeping the default values will work.

Device Name The NetBIOS name of the Router. To access the browser-based utility, enter the Device Name in a web browser’s address field(instead of entering the Router’s IP address).

DHCP Reservation

Click the DHCP Reservation button if you want to assign a fixed local IP address to a MAC address. You will see a list of DHCP clients with the following information: Client Name, Interface, IP Address, and

MAC Address. Click the Select checkbox to reserve a client’s IP address. Then click the Add Clients button.

If you want to manually assign an IP address, enter the client’s name in the Enter Client Name field. Enter the IP

address you want it to have in the Assign IP Address field. Enter its MAC Address in the To This MAC Address field.

Click the Add button.

A list of DHCP clients and their fixed local IP addresses will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. If you want

to remove a client from this list, click the Remove button.

When you have finished your changes, click the Save Settings button to save your changes. Click theCancel

Changes button to cancel your changes. To view the most up-to-date information, click the Refresh button. To

exit this screen, click the Close button.

DHCP Server Settings

The settings allow you to configure the Router’s Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server function. The Router can be used as a DHCP server for your network. A DHCP server automatically assigns an IP address to each computer on your network. If you choose to enable the Router’s DHCP server option, you must make sure there is no other DHCP server on your network.

DHCP Server
DHCP is enabled by factory default. If you already have a DHCP server on your network, or you don’t want a DHCP server, then select Disabled (no other DHCP features will be available).

Start IP Address
When the Router acts as a DHCP server, it assigns IP addresses to computers and other devices on the local network, beginning with a random IP address in the range of available IP addresses. The Start IP Address is the first available IP address of this range, but the Router will not assign it to the first device that requests an IP address.

Because the Router’s default IP address is, the Start IP Address must be or greater, but smaller than The default Start IP Address is

Maximum Number of Users
Enter the maximum number of PCs that you want the DHCP server to assign IP addresses to. This number cannot be greater than 253. The default is 50.

IP Address Range
The range of DHCP addresses is displayed here.

Client Lease Time
The Client Lease Time is the amount of time a network user will be allowed connection to the Router with their current dynamic IP address. Enter the amount of time, in minutes, that the user will be “leased”
this dynamic IP address. After the time is up, the user will be automatically assigned a new dynamic IP address. The default is 0 minutes, which means one day.

Static DNS 1-3
The Domain Name System (DNS) is how the Internet translates domain or website names into Internet addresses or URLs. Your ISP will provide you with at least one DNS Server IP Address. If you wish to use another, type that IP Address in one of these fields. You can type up to three DNS Server IP Addresses here. The Router will use these for quicker access to functioning DNS servers.

The Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) manages each PC’s interaction with the Internet. If you use a WINS server, enter that server’s IP Address here. Otherwise, leave this blank.

Time Settings

Select the time zone for your location. If your location experiences daylight savings, leave the checkmark in the box next to Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving changes.

Change these settings as described here and click the Save Settings button to apply your changes or Cancel Changes.

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